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生活中没有多少是有保障的,但年金是个例外. These insurance contracts guarantee a fixed income stream during retirement. 当涉及到购买年金, 你目前的年龄和与退休的关系会有很大的不同, and the ideal age for purchasing one depends on your individual situation and goals. What works well for someone with a high risk tolerance may not prove suitable for someone seeking conservative investments and vice versa.


年金很复杂. 和任何投资一样, 了解它们的工作原理是至关重要的, 以及任何潜在的利弊.

Annuities are available as either fixed, indexed, or variable and as immediate or deferred. 即时年金马上开始支付, while deferred annuities pay the investor a lump sum or monthly payments at an agreed-upon future date.


Fixed-income annuities provide the classic guaranteed monthly payment and tend to be a more attractive choice for those aged 60 and over.


Premiums paid to variable annuities are invested in the stock and bond markets, 货币市场期权意味着风险更大. 如果你不打算退休几年, choosing a variable annuity could provide an opportunity for more growth. 然而,请记住,任何收益都不能保证. There is also the potential for losses, which could affect the principal amount.


Indexed annuities pay an interest rate based on the performance of a particular index. 的年代&标准普尔500指数是最常用的指数之一. An indexed annuity allows the purchaser to earn higher yields when the market does well. In bearish years, the insurance contract provides a small, guaranteed interest rate. Indexed annuities are typically recommended for those expecting to retire within 10 to 15 years.


Before considering an annuity, calculate your expected income needs during retirement. 除了社会保障, 考虑到养老金的价值, 401(k)(或类似的雇主赞助的退休计划)和个人退休账户. It is also important to consider the answers to the following questions when determining your retirement needs: Do you intend to retire completely or work part-time? 你的退休计划包括很多旅行或昂贵的爱好吗? Do you intend to downsize, move to a less expensive area, or maintain your current home?


The longer you wait to invest in an income annuity, the higher your monthly income stream will be. If you retire at 65 and purchase an annuity, the income stream will start immediately. However, it will not be nearly as much as if you waited a further decade. 例如, the monthly payout for someone who purchases an annuity at 75 is greater than the amount someone aged 65 receives for the same product.

记住,每月的付款是固定的. 它们不会随着时间的推移而上升,但也不会下降. What does change over time, however, is how much of that monthly income is eaten away by inflation. 这就是为什么最大化收入流是至关重要的, because inflation can have a tremendous effect on your standard of living during retirement.


One of the mysteries of life is that any one of us could be here today and gone tomorrow. 不过, 健康的人往往比慢性病患者活得更长, 这些天, 人们的总体寿命更长了. Hence, it is wise to consider the possibility that you could reach the century mark. This means that you must expect to have an income over a potentially long lifespan. If you have reason to expect that you will have an exceptionally long life, 你的年金决定应该反映出这一点.

例如, if you enjoy good health and your relatives have tended to live to ripe old ages, it may be beneficial to wait as long as possible before buying an annuity. 当然, this is based on the assumption that you have sufficient retirement income to maintain your lifestyle.


年金持有人的平均年龄是70岁. For those who purchase an immediate annuity, waiting longer means receiving higher monthly payouts.1

与此形成鲜明对比的是, 那些寻求购买延期年金的人往往要年轻得多, 一般在45到55岁之间. These younger buyers can take more risks with their investments since they have a longer timeline to retirement. If losses occur, they have time to allow their money to (hopefully) recover. 但年长投资者的情况并非如此, for whom relying on a more conservative investment strategy is recommended.

Your financial professional or insurance agent can explain the intricacies of annuities and which of these contracts best suits your needs. These professionals will advise you on the right time to buy an annuity after reviewing your financial situation and current retirement plan. 年金并不适合所有人, 但是对于一些退休人员, they are good vehicles for ensuring one has sufficient income to enjoy retirement.

1. Annuity-Insurers.org, 2022

The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. 本材料中的信息不作为税务或法律建议. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. 请咨询法律或税务 professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. This material was developed and produced by 消费品套件 to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. 消费品, 有限责任公司, 不隶属于指定的经纪自营商, 国家或证券交易委员会注册的投资咨询公司. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. 版权 消费品套件.


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